Unlocking the Secrets of Confluent Kafka Ports: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Halyna - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of Confluent Kafka Ports: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you struggling to understand the purpose of ports 37421, 39821, 40223, 43597, and 43611 in Confluent Kafka version 7.4.3-ccs? Do you wonder whether these ports should be opened by the firewall? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Confluent Kafka ports, exploring their functions, and providing clear guidance on how to configure your firewall settings.

What are Confluent Kafka Ports?

Confluent Kafka, a popular distributed streaming platform, relies on a set of ports to facilitate communication between various components. These ports are essential for ensuring the smooth functioning of your Kafka cluster. In Confluent Kafka version 7.4.3-ccs, five specific ports have garnered attention: 37421, 39821, 40223, 43597, and 43611. But what do they do, and why are they important?

Port 37421: Kafka Broker Communication

Port 37421 is used for inter-broker communication in Kafka. This means that Kafka brokers use this port to communicate with each other, sharing information about topic partitions, leader elections, and other crucial cluster metadata. In a typical Kafka setup, each broker is assigned a unique ID, and they use this port to gossip about the cluster state.

+---------+          +---------+
|  Broker  |          |  Broker  |
|  (ID: 1) |          |  (ID: 2) |
+---------+          +---------+
       |                       |
       |  (Port 37421)          |
       |                       |
       v                       v
+---------+          +---------+
|  Kafka   |          |  Kafka   |
|  Cluster  |          |  Cluster  |
+---------+          +---------+

As you can see, port 37421 is essential for maintaining a healthy Kafka cluster. It’s recommended to keep this port open for communication between brokers.

Port 39821: Confluent Schema Registry

Port 39821 is dedicated to the Confluent Schema Registry, a component that allows you to manage and evolve the schema of your Kafka topics. The Schema Registry stores schema definitions, providing a centralized location for clients to fetch and validate schemas.

|  Client  |
       |  (Port 39821)
| Schema  |
| Registry |
       |  (Stores schema definitions)
|  Kafka   |
|  Topic   |

To enable schema validation and management, you should open port 39821 for clients to communicate with the Schema Registry.

Port 40223: Confluent Control Center

Port 40223 is used by Confluent Control Center, a web-based interface for managing and monitoring your Kafka cluster. Control Center provides a unified view of your Kafka deployment, allowing you to monitor performance, troubleshoot issues, and configure cluster settings.

|  User   |
|  (Web   |
|  Browser) |
       |  (Port 40223)
| Control  |
| Center   |
       |  (Monitors and manages Kafka cluster)
|  Kafka   |
|  Cluster  |

To access Confluent Control Center, you need to open port 40223 for web-based communication.

Port 43597: Confluent REST Proxy

Port 43597 is associated with the Confluent REST Proxy, a component that provides a RESTful API for producing and consuming messages in Kafka. The REST Proxy enables clients to interact with Kafka without the need for a native Kafka client.

|  Client  |
|  (HTTP   |
|  Request) |
       |  (Port 43597)
| REST     |
| Proxy    |
       |  (Proxies Kafka requests)
|  Kafka   |
|  Cluster  |

To enable clients to use the REST Proxy, you should open port 43597 for HTTP communication.

Port 43611: Confluent Metrics Reporter

Port 43611 is used by the Confluent Metrics Reporter, a component that collects and reports metrics about your Kafka cluster to Confluent Control Center. The Metrics Reporter provides valuable insights into cluster performance and health.

| Metrics  |
| Reporter |
       |  (Port 43611)
| Control  |
| Center   |
       |  (Stores and displays metrics)
|  Kafka   |
|  Cluster  |

To enable metrics reporting, you should open port 43611 for communication between the Metrics Reporter and Control Center.

Firewall Configuration: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you understand the purpose of each port, it’s essential to configure your firewall settings to ensure seamless communication between components. Follow these steps to open the necessary ports:

  1. Identify the firewall configuration file or tool used by your system (e.g., `ufw` on Ubuntu or `firewall-cmd` on RHEL/CentOS).
  2. Open the firewall configuration file or tool and add the following rules:
# ufw example (Ubuntu)
sudo ufw allow 37421
sudo ufw allow 39821
sudo ufw allow 40223
sudo ufw allow 43597
sudo ufw allow 43611

# firewall-cmd example (RHEL/CentOS)
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=37421/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=39821/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=40223/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=43597/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=43611/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Restart your firewall service to apply the changes.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the mystery of Confluent Kafka ports 37421, 39821, 40223, 43597, and 43611. By understanding their functions and configuring your firewall settings, you’ll ensure a smooth and secure communication flow between Kafka components. Remember to keep these ports open to enable inter-broker communication, schema management, Control Center access, REST Proxy functionality, and metrics reporting.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Confluent Kafka ports and unlocking the full potential of your Kafka cluster.

Port Purpose Firewall Configuration
37421 Inter-broker communication ufw: sudo ufw allow 37421
39821 Confluent Schema Registry ufw: sudo ufw allow 39821
40223 Confluent Control Center ufw: sudo ufw allow 40223
43597 Confluent REST Proxy ufw: sudo ufw allow 43597
43611 Confluent Metrics Reporter ufw: sudo ufw allow 43611

Remember to replace `ufw` with your firewall configuration tool or file, and adjust the commands according to your system’s requirements.

Frequently Asked Question

Kafka connoisseurs, rejoice! We’ve got the scoop on those mysterious ports in Confluent Kafka version 7.4.3-ccs. Let’s dive in!

What’s the deal with port 37421?

Port 37421 is used for Confluent Kafka’s internal communication, specifically for the Kafka Controller to communicate with the Broker. It’s an internally used port, so you don’t need to open it to the outside world, but ensure it’s accessible within your cluster.

What’s the purpose of port 39821?

Port 39821 is used for Confluent Kafka’s metrics reporting. This port is used by the Kafka brokers to send metrics to the Confluent Metrics Reporter. You don’t need to open this port to the outside world, but ensure it’s accessible within your cluster.

What about port 40223, what’s that for?

Port 40223 is used for Kafka’s replication traffic. This port is used for inter-broker communication, allowing Kafka brokers to replicate data between each other. You should ensure this port is open within your cluster, but not exposed to the outside world.

What’s the role of port 43597?

Port 43597 is used for Confluent Kafka’s license management. This port is used by the Kafka broker to communicate with the Confluent license server. You don’t need to open this port to the outside world, but ensure it’s accessible within your cluster.

Lastly, what’s the deal with port 43611?

Port 43611 is used for Kafka’s transactional ID generation. This port is used by the Kafka TransactionalIdGenerator to generate unique IDs for transactions. You should ensure this port is open within your cluster, but not exposed to the outside world.

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