Unlocking the Power of Java: How to Specify –add-exports during Execution
Image by Halyna - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Java: How to Specify –add-exports during Execution

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Are you tired of running into pesky Java errors due to inaccessible packages? Do you want to unlock the full potential of Java and take control of your code’s dependencies? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of Java modules and show you how to specify –add-exports during execution, giving you the flexibility and power you need to tackle even the most complex projects.

What is –add-exports, and why do I need it?

In Java 9 and later, the concept of modules was introduced to help organize and encapsulate code. While this brought numerous benefits, it also introduced some limitations. One of these limitations is that, by default, modules only expose their public APIs, making internal packages inaccessible to other modules.

That’s where –add-exports comes in. This command-line option allows you to specify which internal packages of a module should be made accessible to other modules, effectively adding them to the module’s exports. This is particularly useful when working with third-party libraries or legacy code that relies on internal implementation details.

When to use –add-exports

You may need to specify –add-exports in the following scenarios:

  • When using a third-party library that relies on internal implementation details of another module.

  • When working with legacy code that wasn’t designed with modularity in mind.

  • When you need to access internal packages of a module for testing or debugging purposes.

  • When you’re working on a project that requires tight integration with other modules, and internal packages need to be shared.

Specifying –add-exports during Execution

Now that we’ve covered the what and why, let’s dive into the how. There are two main ways to specify –add-exports during execution: using the command line and using a configuration file.

Method 1: Using the Command Line

The simplest way to specify –add-exports is to add it as a command-line option when running your Java application. The basic syntax is:

java --add-exports / 


  • is the name of the module that contains the internal package you want to export.
  • is the fully qualified name of the internal package you want to export.
  • is the name of the main class that you want to run.

For example, let’s say you’re working with a module called my.module that contains an internal package called my.module.internal.utils. You can specify –add-exports as follows:

java --add-exports my.module/my.module.internal.utils com.example.MyMain

Method 2: Using a Configuration File

Alternatively, you can specify –add-exports using a configuration file. This approach is more suitable for complex projects or when you need to specify multiple exports.

Create a file called java.conf (or any other name with a .conf extension) in the root of your project, and add the following contents:

add-exports my.module=my.module.internal.utils

Here, my.module is the name of the module, and my.module.internal.utils is the fully qualified name of the internal package you want to export.

When you run your Java application, pass the configuration file as an argument:

java @java.conf com.example.MyMain

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When working with –add-exports, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome them:

Issue 1: Module Not Found

If you encounter a “module not found” error, ensure that the module is correctly named and that it’s present in the module path.

Issue 2: Package Not Found

If you encounter a “package not found” error, verify that the internal package exists within the specified module and that it’s correctly named.

Issue 3: Multiple Exports

If you need to specify multiple exports, separate them with commas:

java --add-exports my.module=my.module.internal.utils,my.module.internal.helpers com.example.MyMain

Best Practices and Considerations

When using –add-exports, keep the following best practices and considerations in mind:

Use it Sparingly

–add-exports should be used judiciously, as it can undermine the benefits of modularization. Only use it when necessary, and consider refactoring your code to avoid dependencies on internal implementation details.

Document Your Exports

Clearly document which internal packages you’re exporting and why. This will help other developers understand the dependencies and potential implications of your code.

Test Thoroughly

Thoroughly test your application after specifying –add-exports to ensure that it doesn’t introduce any unintended consequences or security vulnerabilities.


Specifying –add-exports during execution of Java gives you the flexibility to control which internal packages are accessible to other modules. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of Java modules and tackle even the most complex projects with confidence.

Remember to use –add-exports judiciously, document your exports, and test thoroughly to ensure that your code is robust and maintainable.

Scenario Solution
Using a third-party library that relies on internal implementation details Specify –add-exports on the command line or in a configuration file
Working with legacy code that wasn’t designed with modularity in mind Specify –add-exports on the command line or in a configuration file
Accessing internal packages for testing or debugging purposes Specify –add-exports on the command line or in a configuration file
Working on a project that requires tight integration with other modules Specify –add-exports on the command line or in a configuration file

By mastering the art of specifying –add-exports, you’ll be able to take your Java development skills to the next level and create powerful, modular, and maintainable applications.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on how to specify –add-exports during execution of Java!

Q: Can I specify –add-exports as a Java command-line option?

A: Yes, you can! Simply add the –add-exports option followed by the package name and the module name, separated by a slash. For example: java –add-exports java.sql/com.mysql.cj.jdbc Driver myocard

Q: What if I need to add exports for multiple packages?

A: No problem! You can specify multiple –add-exports options, each with a different package and module name. For instance: java –add-exports java.sql/com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver –add-exports java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap myocard

Q: Can I specify –add-exports in a Java properties file?

A: Unfortunately, no. The –add-exports option can only be specified on the command line or through a JVM-specific mechanism like Java launchers or IDE settings. It’s not possible to set it through a Java properties file.

Q: How does –add-exports differ from –add-opens?

A: The –add-exports option allows a module to export a specific package to a specific other module, whereas –add-opens allows a module to open a specific package to a specific other module for deep reflection. Think of exports as “public” and opens as “internal” access!

Q: Are there any security implications when using –add-exports?

A: Yes, using –add-exports can potentially weaken the security of your Java application, as it allows access to internal APIs that might not be intended for external use. Use this option judiciously and only when necessary!

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