Unlock the Power of Azure Storage: A Step-by-Step Guide to Converting Premium File Shares to Premium Block Blob Storage or Standard General Purpose V2 Storage Accounts
Image by Halyna - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Azure Storage: A Step-by-Step Guide to Converting Premium File Shares to Premium Block Blob Storage or Standard General Purpose V2 Storage Accounts

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Are you tired of dealing with the limitations of premium file shares in Azure? Do you want to unlock the full potential of your storage accounts and take advantage of the scalability and cost-effectiveness of premium block blob storage or standard general purpose v2 storage accounts? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of converting premium file shares to premium block blob storage or standard general purpose v2 storage accounts, step by step.

Why Convert Premium File Shares?

Premium file shares in Azure offer high-performance storage for applications that require low latency and high throughput. However, they come with some limitations, such as:

  • Limited scalability: Premium file shares are designed for small to medium-sized workloads and can become bottlenecked as your application grows.
  • Higher costs: Premium file shares are priced per GB, which can add up quickly, especially for large datasets.
  • Limited features: Premium file shares offer limited features compared to premium block blob storage or standard general purpose v2 storage accounts.

By converting your premium file shares to premium block blob storage or standard general purpose v2 storage accounts, you can overcome these limitations and unlock the full potential of Azure storage.

Understanding the Difference Between Premium Block Blob Storage and Standard General Purpose V2 Storage Accounts

Before we dive into the conversion process, it’s essential to understand the differences between premium block blob storage and standard general purpose v2 storage accounts:

Feature Premium Block Blob Storage Standard General Purpose V2 Storage Accounts
Performance High-performance storage with low latency and high throughput Standard performance storage with balanced latency and throughput
Cost Priced per GB, with a higher cost per GB compared to standard storage Priced per GB, with a lower cost per GB compared to premium storage
Features Supports block blobs, with features like data tiering and advanced security Supports blobs, files, queues, and tables, with features like data tiering and advanced security

Converting Premium File Shares to Premium Block Blob Storage

Converting premium file shares to premium block blob storage is a straightforward process that involves several steps:

  1. Create a new premium block blob storage account:

    az storage account create --name  --resource-group  --sku Premium_LRS --kind BlockBlobStorage
  2. Create a new container in the premium block blob storage account:

    az storage container create --name  --account-name  --resource-group 
  3. Copy the data from the premium file share to the premium block blob storage container using AzCopy:

    azcopy copy '' '' --recursive
  4. Update any applications or services to use the new premium block blob storage account:

    Update application configuration to point to the new premium block blob storage account
  5. Delete the premium file share:

    az storage share delete --name  --resource-group 

Converting Premium File Shares to Standard General Purpose V2 Storage Accounts

Converting premium file shares to standard general purpose v2 storage accounts is a similar process:

  1. Create a new standard general purpose v2 storage account:

    az storage account create --name  --resource-group  --sku Standard_LRS --kind StorageV2
  2. Create a new container in the standard general purpose v2 storage account:

    az storage container create --name  --account-name  --resource-group 
  3. Copy the data from the premium file share to the standard general purpose v2 storage account container using AzCopy:

    azcopy copy '' '' --recursive
  4. Update any applications or services to use the new standard general purpose v2 storage account:

    Update application configuration to point to the new standard general purpose v2 storage account
  5. Delete the premium file share:

    az storage share delete --name  --resource-group 

Best Practices for Converting Premium File Shares

To ensure a smooth conversion process, follow these best practices:

  • Plan ahead: Schedule the conversion during a maintenance window to minimize downtime.

  • Use AzCopy: AzCopy is a powerful tool for copying data between Azure storage accounts.

  • Test the conversion: Verify that the data has been copied correctly and applications are functioning as expected.

  • Monitor performance: Monitor the performance of the new storage account and make adjustments as needed.

  • Update security: Update security policies and access controls to reflect the new storage account.


Converting premium file shares to premium block blob storage or standard general purpose v2 storage accounts can unlock the full potential of Azure storage, offering better performance, cost-effectiveness, and scalability. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully convert your premium file shares and take advantage of the advanced features and benefits of Azure storage.

Remember to plan ahead, use AzCopy, test the conversion, monitor performance, and update security to ensure a smooth transition. With the right tools and knowledge, you can unlock the power of Azure storage and take your applications to the next level.

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about converting premium file shares to premium block blob storage accounts or standard general purpose v2 storage accounts? We’ve got the answers!

What are the benefits of converting premium file shares to premium block blob storage accounts?

Converting premium file shares to premium block blob storage accounts offers several benefits, including higher IOPS, better performance, and cost savings. You’ll get to enjoy the latest advancements in Azure Blob Storage, including improved data durability and resilience. Plus, you’ll be able to take advantage of features like zone-redundant storage and data tiering.

Can I convert premium file shares to standard general purpose v2 storage accounts instead?

Yes, you can! Converting premium file shares to standard general purpose v2 storage accounts is a great option if you want to take advantage of the latest features and pricing models of Azure Blob Storage. Keep in mind that you’ll need to ensure your workloads are compatible with the standard storage account features and performance characteristics. Additionally, you might need to adjust your application code and configurations to work with the new storage account type.

What are the steps to convert premium file shares to premium block blob storage accounts?

To convert premium file shares to premium block blob storage accounts, you’ll need to follow these steps: 1) Create a new premium block blob storage account, 2) copy your data from the premium file share to the new storage account using AzCopy or other data transfer tools, 3) update your application code and configurations to point to the new storage account, and 4) delete the original premium file share. Easy peasy!

Will I experience any downtime during the conversion process?

You can minimize downtime by following best practices for data migration. We recommend performing a gradual cutover, where you redirect traffic to the new storage account in phases. This approach ensures that your application remains available to users during the conversion process. Additionally, consider using Azure Storage’s built-in data redundancy and disaster recovery features to ensure high availability and resilience.

Are there any compatibility issues I should be aware of when converting premium file shares?

When converting premium file shares, be aware of potential compatibility issues with azure file shares, such as file system semantics, SMB protocol support, and identity and access management. You may need to update your application code and configurations to work with the new storage account type. Additionally, ensure that any third-party tools or integrations are compatible with the new storage account type.