Solving the Mystery of Chrome Debugger’s Ignore List Not Working
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Solving the Mystery of Chrome Debugger’s Ignore List Not Working

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Are you tired of dealing with a Chrome Debugger’s ignore list that refuses to work? You’re not alone! Many developers have encountered this frustrating issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to solve this enigma once and for all.

What is the Chrome Debugger’s Ignore List?

The Chrome Debugger’s ignore list is a feature that allows developers to exclude specific scripts or functions from being paused or stepped through during debugging. This is particularly useful when working with third-party libraries or code that you don’t want to debug.

The Problem: Ignored Scripts Are Still Paused

So, you’ve carefully added the script or function to the ignore list, but when you debug your code, the debugger still pauses on those very scripts. Frustrating, isn’t it? There are several reasons why this might be happening, and we’ll explore each of them in detail.

Possible Causes and Solutions

Let’s dive into the possible causes of the Chrome Debugger’s ignore list not working and explore the solutions to each issue.

Cause 1: Incorrect Syntax

One of the most common reasons for the ignore list not working is incorrect syntax. Make sure you’re using the correct format for adding scripts or functions to the ignore list.

// Correct syntax
debugger.setIgnoreList(["jquery.min.js", "foo.js"]);

// Incorrect syntax
debugger.setIgnoreList("jquery.min.js", "foo.js");

Note the difference? The correct syntax uses an array of strings, while the incorrect syntax uses separate arguments. Double-check your code to ensure you’re using the correct format.

Cause 2: Scripts Not Loaded When Debugging Starts

If the scripts you want to ignore are not loaded when debugging starts, the ignore list won’t work. This can happen if the scripts are loaded dynamically or through a JavaScript loader.

To solve this issue, make sure you load the scripts before starting the debugger. You can do this by using the debugger; statement in your code, like so:

// Load the scripts before starting the debugger

This will ensure that the scripts are loaded before the debugger starts, and the ignore list will work as expected.

Cause 3: Scripts Loaded from a Different Origin

If the scripts you want to ignore are loaded from a different origin (e.g., a CDN or a different domain), the ignore list might not work. This is due to security restrictions in Chrome.

chrome.LoadTimes() API to get the origin of the script and then add it to the ignore list. Here’s an example:

// Get the origin of the script
var origin = chrome.LoadTimes().getOrigin("");

// Add the origin to the ignore list
debugger.setIgnoreList([origin + "jquery.min.js"]);

This will ensure that the script is ignored, even if it’s loaded from a different origin.

Cause 4: Debugger API Not Supported

If you’re using an older version of Chrome or a Chrome-based browser that doesn’t support the Debugger API, the ignore list won’t work.

Make sure you’re using a supported version of Chrome or a Chrome-based browser. You can check the Debugger API documentation for a list of supported browsers.

Best Practices for Using the Chrome Debugger’s Ignore List

To get the most out of the Chrome Debugger’s ignore list, follow these best practices:

  • Use specific script names: Instead of adding a generic script name like “jquery”, use the full script name, including the version number, like “jquery-3.5.1.min.js”. This ensures that only the exact script is ignored.
  • Use a consistent naming convention: Use a consistent naming convention for your script files, making it easier to add them to the ignore list.
  • Test the ignore list: Before starting a debug session, test the ignore list by adding a script and verifying that it’s ignored.
  • Keep the ignore list up-to-date: Regularly review and update the ignore list to ensure that new scripts are added and old ones are removed.


The Chrome Debugger’s ignore list is a powerful feature that can save you time and frustration during debugging. By understanding the possible causes of the ignore list not working and following best practices, you can ensure that your debugging sessions are more efficient and effective.

Remember, the key to solving the mystery of the Chrome Debugger’s ignore list not working is to be meticulous, methodical, and thorough in your approach. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a debugging master!

Cause Solution
Incorrect Syntax Use the correct syntax for adding scripts to the ignore list
Scripts Not Loaded When Debugging Starts Load scripts before starting the debugger
Scripts Loaded from a Different Origin Use the chrome.LoadTimes() API to get the origin of the script
Debugger API Not Supported Use a supported version of Chrome or a Chrome-based browser

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to troubleshoot and solve issues with the Chrome Debugger’s ignore list, making your debugging sessions more efficient and effective.

So, the next time you encounter the frustrating issue of the Chrome Debugger’s ignore list not working, remember to check for incorrect syntax, ensure scripts are loaded before debugging starts, account for scripts loaded from different origins, and verify that the Debugger API is supported.

With these solutions and best practices, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex debugging challenges and become a master of the Chrome Debugger!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re having trouble with Chrome debugger’s ignore list, you’re not alone. Here are some answers to your burning questions!

Why is Chrome debugger’s ignore list not working for me?

One common reason is that you might have accidentally added a typo in the ignore list. Double-check that the URL or pattern you’re trying to ignore is correct. Also, ensure that you’re using the correct syntax and format for the ignore list.

Can I ignore a whole domain or just a specific page?

You can do both! To ignore a whole domain, add the domain name (e.g., to the ignore list. To ignore a specific page, add the full URL (e.g., The Chrome debugger will respect your wishes and skip over those pesky scripts.

Will the ignore list affect other Chrome developer tools?

Nope! The ignore list only affects the Chrome debugger. Other developer tools, like the Elements panel or the Console, will still work as usual. You can continue to use those tools to debug and inspect your web app without interference.

Can I export or import my ignore list?

Unfortunately, Chrome doesn’t provide a built-in way to export or import the ignore list. However, you can manually copy and paste the ignore list into a text file or a note-taking app for safekeeping. This way, you can easily reuse your ignore list across different Chrome profiles or devices.

What if I need to ignore a script that’s loaded dynamically?

That’s a tough one! Since dynamically loaded scripts don’t have a fixed URL, you can’t add them to the ignore list directly. Instead, try adding a pattern that matches the script’s filename or a unique identifier. For example, if the script is loaded from, you could add loadscript.js* to the ignore list to catch any variations.

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